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Career guidance is the process of helping individuals (school/college students or professionals) in making adequate educational and occupational choices and in taking career decisions based on the demand and requirements of the future of work.

Career guidance help students understand their strengths and weaknesses and then match them with their skills and interest so that they get the best suitable career choice. ... Professional career and college counselling help in narrowing down the options so that finding the right career or college becomes easy

Below are five of the top techniques used in career counseling.
  1. Developing a therapeutic relationship. ...
  2. Defining goals. ...
  3. Creating room for self-exploration. ...
  4. Understanding the job market. ...
  5. Helping turn life themes into career goals.

Career counseling process has been defined as an ongoing, face-to-face interaction between counselor and client with career- or work-related issues as the primary focus. ... Specifically, there is a need for additional research related to which career interventions work with whom and under what conditions.

How can guidance help the students?

Maintain academic standards and set goals for academic success. Develop skills to improve organization, study habits, and time management. Work through personal problems that may affect academics or relationships. Improve social skills

What are the 4 components of Counselling?
  1. The basic stages of counseling are:
  2. Developing the client/clinician relationship;
  3. Clarifying and assessing the presenting problem or situation;
  4. Identifying and setting counseling or treatment goals;
  5. Designing and implementing interventions; and
  6. Planning, termination, and follow-up.

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